Tips & Tricks – Hide Your SabreDAV Directory

Are you using SabreDAV for your project? How does it look when you go to it’s root directory?


Either you can protect by .htaccess & .htpasswd with apache2 rewrite_mode. But there is an simple & easy way to hide it by creating an empty index.html. Like this:

Find all SabreDAV directories in /var/www and create an index.html

find /var/www/ -name SabreDAV* -print -exec touch {}/index.html \;

Check if the index.html is now in your SabreDAV directories.

find /var/www/ -name SabreDAV* -exec ls -l {}/index.html \;




AttributeError: module ‘yaml’ has no attribute ‘FullLoader’

Issue found: Solution:Reference: The FullLoader class is only available in PyYAML 5.1 and later. Version 5.1 was released on March 13, 2019 and has probably not filtered down to many distributions yet. You can check the version of PyYAML by inspecting yaml.__version__: If you

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